
Impermanence and permanence

How many of you think of those two things at the same time?  Do you think about either with an level or serious contemplation? The state of not lasting forever or not lasting for a long time and the state or quality of lasting or remaining unchanged indefinitely.

Indefinitely.  Unlimited or unspecified. 

What is unlimited in your life, or limited?

A friend asked me a question this week, “What happened to the notion of not calling people names and being nice to one another?”  I’ll be honest and say here, that they have been one who supports the worst offender of this that I’ve known in my life.  In my opinion. He even said in a recent rally, “if you don’t mind I’m not gonna be nice, is that okay?”  Followed by loud cheers from the crowd.

So I don’t know, what did happened to nice?

We all are guilty of it to a certain degree.  We also all do have our boundaries and limits.  Mine are with the constant barrage of everyone in his view being a target of his retribution because he lost.

Is that because that’s all the media shows us of him?  Maybe. Does he say nice things about anyone, ever?  I don’t know. And those who say derogatory things about him, have they been pushed to the limit of their boundaries and want to ask the same question, what happened to being nice but don’t know how to ask?

I fully admit that I limit my news intake, I read but in the last couple of months have watched very little.  But it just feels to me that what is said about him is in response to his lack of respect for anyone who is different or in his way. Who is not going to defend themselves? And honestly, other than legal charges, what does he need to defend?

So, I don’ t know, what did happened to decency?  

I am not perfect, but I have tried and try every day to be descent. To express my disfavor as respectfully as possible. To not be one who shares, or speaks of another in a derogatory manner.  It just wasn’t how I was raised.  But I too have my limits and boundaries.  That usually comes when I feel or see anyone I care about being a target of potential adversity in his path.

Yes, campaigns are ugly and both sides have skin in the game.  But come on, who is the worst offender, really? Do we really need to make a check list?

I’ll leave for now with this: How do we enhance each other rather than diminish each other?


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