don't speak...don't speak!


I have a bit of a dilemma.  Again this year, I did what little bit of Christmas shopping I did online.  And it all showed up this week.  The post office contrary to its motto, did not deliver mail the week of Christmas. (see “first day of winter” post 12/21)

Now I have a great collection of little boxes.  Good boxes!  What to do?  

I don’t know about you, but I never have the right kind of box when I need it and either I go buy one or delay sending or storing (another dilemma).  Which ever the case may be.  But if I keep the great boxes where do I keep them? 

I could take them to my storage unit in the complex and shove them in with the other boxes.  Most of which do have stuff in the.  That needs to be rediscovered.  Or better yet, I should just call that 1-800-got-junk and have them empty the little room downstairs that I haven’t been in since I moved in 3 years ago.  But I know there is some great stuff in there…I just know it!  I could take them to Public Storage and let them hang with the sofa that I can’t part with.  At least it wouldn’t be paid storage just for boxes!

This happens every time I get a box.  I love boxes!  Especially if other boxes fit perfectly in the new one!  I love it when in one box I can put the old router box,  a couple of cell phone boxes and an IPod box and they magically all fit!

I know, I know.  I’m going to have to go through them and purge.  But I think I’ll keep them around just a few more days!!


don't speak...don't speak! Photo's

~Happy New Year~

don't speak...don't speak! Photo's

Holiday Dim-Sum

YUM!  The gang gathered at House of Louie for Dim-Sum ~ YUM!!


Dang them boyz are cute!

don't speak...don't speak! Photo's

last week ~ this week

The Mayor-elect just reported, “not since 1968”.

The ice underneath and on top of the snow.

don't speak...don't speak!

first day of winter

this is not why I moved to the west coast….

don't speak...don't speak!

a rare sight

It snows about once, maybe twice a year in Portland.  And the news crews go NUTS!

don't speak...don't speak! Photo's

Photo Booth!

don't speak...don't speak!

Bookworm tagged!

I got tagged on this one on Facebook a couple weeks back.  And read it wrong…bad eye’s or bad reader not sure which?

Here was the tag;

* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence along with these instructions in a note to your wall.

I read fifth as first…whatever!  This time the rule is;

Pick up the book closest to you and turn to page 56 and write down the 1st sentence of paragraph 5.

The book is the same. Either way I’m stuck!  Page 56 of Heck: Where The Bad Kids Go by Dale E. Bayse only has 4 paragraphs.  But I know Dale because I use to talk to him on the phone and try to get him to work for companies that I found talent for.  And I want to help him sell books.  I may have one on the self one day…

So how about 5th sentence of the first paragraph.  No only 2 sentences there. So I’m going to count the title as a paragraph and are you ready?

“NO!” screamed Milton as little, grotesquely cute demons wielding pitchsporks shepherded the frightened boys and girls in the opposite direction.”

I think I’ll tag…Tiny Elvis Girl.

don't speak...don't speak! Photo's

Mt. Hood – Saturday then Monday