don't speak...don't speak! rant


A few weeks ago I got an email from Carl. I don’t know Carl. But he had been reading my blog and asked if I would share a link to his site on my blog.

I’m always a bit embarrassed when this happens. I’m happy to include great blogs on my blog roll! But to include mine on his? It’s so random and hasn’t really taken shape yet, in my opinion.

I guess I’d like to think that only a couple people even know that I do this and only a couple people actually read it, like my Mom and Tiny Elvis Girl. Even more than that, that it’s not something that people can find.

Carl does have an interesting site called, Smart Unemployment . The site has some great stuff on it. Things like unemployment eligibility, career resources, COBRA: Everything You Need to Know, information that can be really helpful!

Oh, the title of this post. I cut and pasted that directly from a job posting on LinkedIn. This is a HUGE pet peeve with me.

I realize that people are busy. I realize that for every job there are most likely hundreds of applicants. I realize that companies don’t often staff adequately so that recruiters or hiring manager can really do their jobs. But this says more to me. More than just I’m too busy to truly engage the applicant pool that might be interested in working for the company I work for. Resumes are words, but to hear some ones voice and to talk with them has value beyond the gold star your applicant tracking system give someone.

I have been in one form or another a recruiter for more than 15 years. I have worked to fill jobs with 4 applicants and 400 applicants. The best applicants that I have come to know and place in positions are the ones who reached out to me or contacted me directly.

I am unemployed. I think I’ve written that here already. I’ve applied to several jobs. I have tapped and tap my network at every opportunity when applying to positions. At the advice of or encouragement of another recruiter or individual I have reached out via direct email or phone to people who are doing the hiring. No response?

Carl has a lot of great, helpful information on his site. All just for the taking. I don’t know this for a fact, but I’d be willing to bet he never wrote at the bottom of a job posting, DO NOT CONTACT ME DIRECTLY – I WILL NOT RESPOND

Thanks Carl!


25 good steps…

I will admit that my ideas about recruiting are different than some recruiter’s.  (At least in my own little world.)  As a recruiter applying for different opportunities … well I’ll just say more times than not I question the profession.

There are very good recruiter’s, good one and bad ones.   Everything moves at almost lightening speed these days, staying current isn’t the easiest thing to do. And not every company adequately staff’s the staffing department. Big or small, whether you like it or not your recruiter’s reflect your company.  If not the first then it’s the second contact people have with an organization.  And we all know about first impressions.

I’ve never claimed to be an expert on anything.  I don’t know anything really.  But I know that I have to read, research, talk to and engage with many people and step outside of that box and sometimes talk to people who don’t have the experience I need at the moment because they may know the person or be the next person I need to hire.

I fell into recruiting by accident.  Now I’m trying to step out of it, sort of? Or at least approach it differently so that I might lead me down a different path.

I’m calling myself a Social Media Recruiter right now when necessary.  But it is more than that, it’s Practitioner, Coordinator and maybe even student.

This great blog 25 Steps to Choosing a Social Media Consultant, is right on, on SO many levels!