don't speak...don't speak! rant


Sometimes after I’ve read someone’s Facebook post, I want to reply. But I don’t. Mostly because I know or feel I know what the response will be because of what they posted and have posted. And usually, my heart will ache with the first thing I read, so hearing more of the same can’t help.

So I write. I hide behind Notes or put it here. I’m pretty sure not even my Mom comes here anymore because of lack of content. 🙂

It kind of feels safe. And it allows me to explore, vent, rant, sort or whatever you want to call it.

Often my thoughts, my words are scrambled and I try to unscramble them. Not always successful.

People keep using, or I keep seeing this word tolerant or tolerance. I even struggled through a post a week or so back about tolerance or intolerance.

Here is a scramble;

Can you point a finger at intolerance while being intolerant?

Can you be tolerant while complaining about intolerance?

When you call out intolerance are you being tolerant or intolerant?

You’re either tolerant or you are not. Can be both, period.

Can you claim you are tolerant while complaining about intolerance?

I wanted to say, or ask.

I think our understanding of tolerance is askew. Are you truly tolerant of my stance on my opinion that 1) our current President due to character and demeanor is not fit for the office? Are you tolerant of my opinion that 2) Kavanaugh despite the recent allegations and his demeanor, due to the fact that he has lied under oath in the past and had to bring the Clintons up, is not fit for the highest court in the land? (Seriously?!) Are you tolerant of my opinion that 3) the self-righteous indignation of Grassley and Graham are out of bounds and a reach outside of reality and are the definition of hypocrisy? Are you tolerant of 4) my opinion that a woman should be able to have control over what does or doesn’t happen to her body? Are you tolerant of 5) my opinion that what has happened to Dr. Ford is a travesty and I now have a shorter list of women I believe I would feel comfortable with going to if this happened to me?

I didn’t reply. I know what the answer would be. It feels blind faith for the wrong reason has taken over. The single issue voter, the single issue supporter. That’s what if feels like to me.

I have my set of beliefs as do you as does every single human on this planet.

Again, I believe that a man to be appointed to a lifetime seat who has, lied under oath(before this), brought partisanship into his rebuttal and displayed a temperament unbecoming the honor of that seat, should not be appointed. After his presentation, I wouldn’t hire him for anything.

Are you ok with my opinion and are you tolerant of it?

So I guess I’m a bit intolerant of you. Because for the life of me can’t sort out yours. I tolerate a lot every day. But I know what is in my heart and how it strives to treat all with equality, fairness, kindness and no judgment. And believe me, I understand what I am saying here. I am judging your opinion, belief, but it seems so counter to goodness and kindness and who you say you are.

And maybe I do have a high bar for that for too high. What’s wrong with that? So much of it is so far outside my view of morality and ethical behavior, that I’m beginning to think I’m a conservative. So much of what is happening today, is so counter to how I was raised, in the church and taught by parents to be kind, generous and void of judgment. Treat others as I would like to treated. That seems to have been turned upside down in spades. We are all treating each other like trump treats people.

I believe that trump, morally and ethically, and due to his temperament is not fit for the office. Never have, never will. Even by his own admission and words, he’s not fit.

“I moved on her..”, “I did try to **** her.” “I moved on her like a bitch.” “Just kiss. I don’t even wait.” Good God! Imagine if there had been tapes of Obama saying that!

And let’s not forget that under “allegations” Franken stepped down. Kavanaugh is a lifetime appointment to the highest judicial seat in America. Allegations aside, he lied under oath even before his nomination. Really? That’s ok for a Supreme Court Justice?? No.

I will say without hesitation, it is beyond me how any woman or man who cares about their daughter, sister, wife, mother…can be ok with it and support him or any of it. That I am intolerant of because of what it represents.

Am I being intolerant of you because you think he should and those things don’t matter?

I think we are going to have to be intolerant of each other.

But should I have to be tolerant if I feel that he is destroying the foundation and the fabric of our country, one tweet at a time? It feels that you certainly aren’t.

For me, it’s not tolerance or intolerance. It’s what I believe to be deserving of the office, morally, ethically, equally and what serves ALL humankind.

I screen and interview people every day for jobs WAY below these pay grades. I’ve not moved shoe designers and Project Manager forward for less. They would not have been a good move for the team or the company.

I could say the post feels to me that you are intolerant of those who oppose your opinion of the president and this nomination. Why is your way or opinion the right one for all?

Do I tolerate lying? No. Do you?

Do I tolerate racism? No. Do you?

Do I tolerate slander? No. Do you?

Do I tolerate someone verbally abusing another? No. Do you?

Do I tolerate someone physically abusing another? No. Do you?

Do I tolerate inequity? No. Do you?

Do I tolerate intolerant hypocrisy? No. Do you?

In my humble, not the smartest in the room ever opinion, I have to say or ask, if you tolerate any of those, for what? Why?

I am intolerant.

Phew, don’t think any of that makes sense.

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