In an effort to try to understand the other side, well the saying goes,

I can’t. (sorry Grandma)
I’ve decided that life is too short and hard enough as it is, so I will respect others and stop trying to figure it(them) out. I have plenty on my plate.
I will not devalue or do anything to disenfranchise another human in anyway in word or deed.
I will not impose or proclaim my beliefs of truth, equality and fairness on adversaries.
I will live true to that which I have held in high regard for years as core values, love, compassion, acceptance, tolerance and inclusion.
I will acknowledge that those values I hold true are and will to me feel diametrically opposed to some I know or thought I knew. Them to mine.
I will acknowledge and honor that every single one of us has within us basic goodness. Even within the greatest of division.
I will live on the side of love, compassion, acceptance, tolerance and inclusion.
“May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease”.
“Each of us is more than the worst thing we’ve ever done.”
~ Bryan Stevenson